Gervaise Henry
EU Biobank Week 2024 - April 2024
Efficiently Analyzing Population-Scale Genomics Data
Sedlakova, A, Henry GH
ACMG - March 2024
Automated Genome Interpretation Solution to Accelerate Diagnostic Decisions via Intelliseq GeneSpect™ Reporter
Szklarczyk-Smolana K, Pacewicz K, Henry GH
BioTechX Europe - October 2023
Bridging the Gap: Solutions for Data Integration, Security, and Collaborative Exploration in Precision Medicine
Rao A, Henry GH
Precision Medicine Leaders Summit: Advances in Single Cell & Spatial Biology - September 2023
Democratizing Access to Single-Cell RNA Sequencing with the Parse Biosciences Evercode Platform
Henry GH , Roco C
Precision Medicine Leaders Summit: Advances in Single Cell & Spatial Biology - September 2023
Innovation Panel: Building the Spatial Biology Ecosystem
Enderlein C, Clark JN, Emanuel G, Henry GH , Kim J
BioIT World - May 2023
Towards Precision Medicine: Datasets, Computation, and Data Integration for Patient Subsetting Research - Part I
Busby BR, Chu E, Floden E, Henry GH , Huitt E
BioIT World - May 2023
Achieving FAIRness with Multimodal Data
Busby BR, Dawson E, Gillis M, Henry GH , Holt R, Neilley V
Collaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology: Meeting - December 2021
Spatial transcriptomics reveals a transition from a prostate luminal to club-like cell state in 5-alpha reductase inhibitor treated BPH patients
Binoy Joseph D, Henry GH , Malewska A, Reese JC, Mauck RJ, Gahan J, Hutchinson RC, Mohler JL, Roehrborn CG, Strand DW
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2021
Immune cell Single cell RNA sequencing and interaction analyses suggest a prominent role for T cells and T cell-macrophage interactions in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Broman MM, Lanman NA, Vickman RE, Cresswell GM, Henry G , Strand D, Hayward SW, Ratliff TL
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2021
Spatial transcriptomics reveals a transition from a prostate luminal to club-like cell state in 5-alpha reductase inhibitor treated BPH patients
Binoy Joseph D, Henry GH , Malewska A, Reese JC, Mauck RJ, Gahan J, Hutchinson RC, Mohler JL, Roehrborn CG, Strand DW
American Urological Association: Annual Meeting - September 2021
Characterization of 5ARI treatment response at the single cell level
Binoy Joseph D, Henry G , Malewska A, Reese JC, Mauck RJ, Gahan J, Hutchinson RC, Roehrborn CG, Strand DW
American Urological Association: Annual Meeting - September 2021
Understanding Prune Belly Syndrome at Single Cell Resolution
Amado N, Mathews J, Henry G , Fusco A, Egeland T, Malewska A, Cantrel B, Strand D, Baker L
Collaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology: Meeting - December 2020
A Phenome-Based Approach for Characterizing Mouse Urinary Pathophysiologies
Ruetten H, Henry G , Strand D, Vezina C
Collaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology: Meeting - December 2020
Decoding Stromal Heterogeneity Across BPH Phenotypes
Binoy Joseph D, Henry GH , Malewska A, Wegner K, Rees JC, Hutchinson RC, Roehrborn CG, Strand DW
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2020
Decoding Stromal Heterogeneity across BPH Phenotypes
Binoy Joseph D, Henry GH , Malewska A, Wegner K,Reese JC, Hutchinson RC, Roehrborn CG, Strand DW
Collaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology: Meeting - December 2019
Identification of Cognate Proximal Cell Types of the Mouse and Human Prostate and Their Enrichment in Human Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Binoy Joseph D, Henry GH , Malewska A, Wegner K, Rees JC, Hutchinson RC, Roehrborn CG, Vezina CM, Strand DW
Collaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology: Meeting - December 2019
Immune Cell Interactions in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Broman MM, Lanman NA, Vickman RE, Franco OE, Hayward SW, Henry GH , Strand DW, Ratliff TL
Cold Spring Harbor: Single Cell Analysis - November 2019
A Cellular Atlas of Human Prostate Disease
Henry GH , Malewska A, Malladi VS, Lee J, Gahan JC, Reese J, Strand DW
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2019
Identification of cognate proximal cell types of the mouse and human prostate and their enrichment in human Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Binoy Joseph D, Henry G , Malewska A, Wegner K,Reese J, Hutchinson R, Roehrborn C, Vezina C, Strand D
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2019
Expansion of Luminal Progenitor Cells in the Aging Mouse and Human Prostate
Crowell PD, Fox JJ, Hashimoto T, Diaz JA, Henry GH , Lowe MG, Wu YE, Strand DW, Goldstein AS
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2019
Immune Cell Interactions in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Broman MM, Lanman NL, Vickman RE, Hayward SW, Henry G , Strand DW, Ratliff TL
Prostate Cancer Foundation: Annual Scientific Retreat - October 2019
Urethral Hillock Epithelia Extend into the Proximal Prostate Stem Cell Niche
Binoy Joseph D, Henry G , Malewska A, Strand D
International Society for Advancement of Cytometry: CYTO - June 2019
Cloud-based cytometry workflow for big data analysis
Shih T, Henry G , Malladi V, Loof N
American Urological Association: Annual Meeting - May 2019
Cellular pathogenesis of human BPH
Henry G , Malewska A, Binoy Joseph D, Roehrborn C, Hutchinson R, Vezina C, Strand D
Collaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology: Meeting - December 2018
Building a comprehensive cellular anatomy of the normal and diseased human prostateia
Henry GH , Malewska A, Joseph DB, Malladi VS, Lee J, Torrealba J, Mauck RJ, Gahan JC, Raj JV, Roehrborn CG, Hon GC, MacConmara MP, Reese JC, Hutchinson RC, Vezina CM, Strand DW
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2018
A Cellular Anatomy of the Normal Human Prostate and BPH
Henry G , Malewska A, Binoy Joseph D, Malladi V, Lee J, Gahan J, Mauck R, Raj G, Roehrborn C, Hon G, Reese J, Hutchinson R, Vezina C, Strand D
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2018
Characterizing the metabolic effect of enzalutamide on prostate cancer
Blatt EB, Sonavane R, Henry GH , Ekoue DN, Strand DW, Raj GV
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2018
Global Transcriptional Dynamics Identify Key Functional Pathways Involved in the Pathogenesis of Prune Belly Syndrome
Iqbal N, Kern A, Jascur T, Henry GH , Edwards A, Wong D, Sanchez EJ, Baker L
10x Genomics User Group Meeting: Houston - May 2018
Determining Cellular Heterogeneity in Human Prostate using the Chromium™ Single Cell 3’ Solution
Henry GH
FlowTex Conference - February 2018
Determining cellular heterogeneity in human prostate with flow cytometry and single-cell RNA-sequencing
Henry GH
North Texas Flow Cytometry Conference - December 2017
Determining cellular heterogeneity in human prostate with flow cytometry and single-cell RNA-sequencing
Henry GH
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2017
Pathogenesis of Inflammation in Human BPH
Henry G , Malewska A, Hutchinson R, Gahan J, Mauck R, Torrealba J, Francis F, Roehrborn C, Strand D
North Texas Flow Cytometry Conference - December 2016
Deconstructing BPH Phenotypes: Molecular Pathogenesis of Basal Hyperplasia
Henry GH
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2016
Deconstructing BPH phenotypes
Henry G , Malewska A, Mauck R, Torrealba J, Roehrborn C, Strand D
Society for Basic Urologic Research: Annual Meeting - November 2015
Cell-specific responses to inflammation in BPH
Henry G , Malewska A, Mauck R, Roerborn C, Strand D
American Association of Cancer Research: Annual Meeting - April 2014
Adipocytes, Obesity and the Multiple Myeloma Microenvironment
Henry GH , Watson NJ, O’Neill R, Tabib T, Bullwinkle EM, DeCicco-Skinner KL